Data on Card XS4 RFID SVN

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Networked locking system.

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Transform your stand alone locks into a networked locking system.

The SALTO Data on Card System is managed by patented smart cards. Smart cards are programmed to allow or restrict access to different parts of a building.

Cards act as data transporters.

Every time a user flashes his card at a Hot Spot, it transfers all information to or from your computer.

You can easily change a user's privileges, generate an audit trail and be informed of battery status.

The system is easily installed without expensive hardwiring or a wi-fi infrastructure. Data on Card gives you optimum management control of your building.

Reduce energy consumption with SALTO Energy Saving Device

Clean, hygienic handles.

BioCote® antimicrobial protection can be applied to SALTO locks to reduce microbes by up to 99.9% for cleaner, safer, hygienic use.

Control an entire building remotely

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Wire-free and battery powered:
• Control an entire building remotely in almost
real time from a central computer –
up to 4 million users and 64,000 doors
• Card contains all of the users privileges
• Card is a data transporter –
collecting opening events and battery status
• Add or delete users, remotely update profiles on the fly,
using Hot-Spots
• Dynamic event audit trail
• Users access their office (only person with this privilege)
as offline event
• Users access exit doors (many have privilege) as online event

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Online events in real time.
• For all on-line events, information is reported in real time. You know what is happening, when it's happening

Need to lock up keys or valuables? With our new Electronic Lock Box (ELB) you can retrieve keys without carrying any keys.